Thursday, November 30, 2017

pumpkin spicy coconut bubble cotton candy sugar sweet land

pumpkin spicy coconut cotton candy bubble gum hot blood balls for Christmas with marshmellow whipcream amd icecream candy Christmas chips of pieces and bubble gum fun cotton candy Christmas time too jingle bells to you amen.

new marvel heroes 2017-2018

this new creation and evolution and mass creation and mass evolution and alien mass and more has to do with emperor super universe  galactical galaxy format in many super heroes and the new bible conquest in the new kingdom of androids  super major  new earth robots and new weapons and new custume of magical jewels of sackles and earth solars system the big and the small the around rings of planets and the stars we do put too, and this will  come with many new gemstones and many sackles of stone  and a green planet with a diamond ring of sackle in a blood wood flower type on the bottom like in  yarn blood too, and tree to put on the finger with instead of the metal or gold and bronze and stuff like that.this is format to do with making a  walking land of the new kingdom of heroes and in many designs of your own oz system work and writing and in movie and gaming pc xlot and xlot fi with x lot new gaming machine  x lot.og is for you 2 x lot   and a new dark blue angel in transforming angel to bat to transparent bat and more gracious Stephanie curry. amen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The bible state

The bible has a state call the bible which is in the northen kingdom of god and this is a sacred mystery state that was hidden too, in the  mystery passages of the bible.this bible state is very ancient,have a great day gracious stephanie diane curry thankyou amen and goodbye!later!

Monday, November 27, 2017

the indian jewel and jewel castle oz of wonder!

Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 50.000
Stacked: 100

Mysterious Item
Lv.: 5
The chicklings look really cute.

Award from quest+start!the road of many colors of oz and the wild animal kingdom including mammals and ruby crystals of diamond jewels and a seal of black on both sides and red in the middle-open seal-hand up arm and hand band indian suits of many colors and including black,and trees of the wild oz road of many colors! pause+continue later!stephanie curry thankyou gracious amen!pause!continue!in this seal this indian will have a gold seal opened and in the middle it will have a silverlining in it and the black seal will be open of devil and have a red lining in it.the two will verse each other in the oz emperor of majesty to the highest!gracious Stephanie diane currythankyou have a great day!  

Frostcovered City (0)
Humor (0)
Factions (0)
Calendar (0)
Used in quests
Fortune's Collector Title01Required to activate quest
Fortune's Collector Title01Required to finish quest
soon be invented-the indian jewel and jewel castle oz of wonder

Star Wizard sodio

star wizard sodio different from the state i invented soldio stephanie curry and remember she is a star magic healing wizard of the heavens and the earth and can do almost anything thankyou  stephanie diane curry gracious!
note! this state is very ancient and sodium,soldier and sodium is popular with soldio and

Gomorrah very awesome and cool.also the mark was made up of god and jesus but it was not to be taking but by the evil and wicked ones that wanted to take such mark of the beast and devil that chose there soul in hell and there anti-spirit too, and the darkness of the angel-three of you, and there-to make four is the anti-evil ghost that likes to socialize too, in horror i may say,  and note! soldio has a city too, invented and getting expanded.this city and state even in town and country,land and ground owned  biblical government is a secret mystery, no details  but soldio is of soldier but glory of holiness is a glory and i am the eternal glory of holiness and sacred mystery of hidden truth of biblical of old ancient times passage and ancient history and science newspaper -amen. have a great day love stephanie diane curry thankyou hallelujah amen glorygracious!

Cows in the barn

 Cows in the hey field!Cows in the barn are real  cool especially around a lot of hey especially like horses and many storage feed it is real  cool especailly for cowboy time  and winter time palse!
six spots,one tail,one head.four legs.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The winds of the anti-evil black ghost evil anti-devil!

In the dark anti-evil winds of the early ghost morning night--this anti-evil devil has no horns,and he stands in the anti-evil dark-in the mist  of the horror ghost winds with a anti-evil pitch fork but i was not horrified,and said, to me,you need to take care of someone,and i said,no, and the evil anti-black male  evil devil left out of my life for good yay!i don't stand,do or worship for the anti evil devil but biblically god does do things like order this anti-evil ghost black devil or any devil to do things to show a part or some hell to test and straighten up people but there choice is chosen  !the dolls seals name is stephanie curry thankyou.

discovery of seohyun ,a celebrity is stephanie curry

Award Abstract #1137747  Advanced Center for Laser Science and Spectroscopy NSF Org: HRD Division Of Human Resource Development divid...