Tuesday, November 14, 2017

mystery magical fish prophecy!

stephanie curry account Account ID: pub-2328729524461289
Client ID: 
ca-pub-2328729524461289 stephanie curry the fish is like very tall and covered from the bottom up past the chest part and i cannot tell if it is a man or woman and there are no pooch out boobs so i think it may be a man and the fish is bass so i can either skin it and shed it or scale it or all three which someone will have to to probably do that or it will fall off so the fish is tall and normal size so crystal will be waiting on the side if it  are man because you cannot tell from bottom either if man or woman or even both but the fish will have to have cloths because the bass fish has a human head and little bit of top showing plus the arms and hands so that will be done soon probably i think so i wonder what that fish eats probably no seed but whether food and lite but probably too,a  food seal here and there  and including fruit seed but the bass fish is very spiritual and should stay in goodness and too maybe some vegetable seed  sometimes i am going to c

stephanie curry account Account ID: pub-2328729524461289

Client ID: ca-pub-2328729524461289
all the human a non human species of water steImage result for stephanie curry photosphanie curry.

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