Tuesday, December 19, 2017

when something is shared and or not shared and you know something about it then you register in and sign up and take your own profile and  stuff and if you scam scam your own and get your own shared if you sale then you sale your own  not mind and you ones going around seeing money flashing in a database and or not see money flashing but you only see this much and giving blow jobs and stuff do your own not mind that goes for the police law and if you are doing a investigation  you don't steal it make a copy and the fbi cybercrime division moneypak is stealing too i believe-like in  robbing too and my identity is stolen and i only seen money flashing one time from a motel from a different world of state not baytown texas and i did not take it and i do not give blowjobs period but there  is one that comes in here that sees money flashing more then once that does i believe give blows jobs because i see that  one from a white car to a black car more then once and in front of the library no details and you can take a copy and make film but leave me my original and more no details.stephanie  curry gracious stephanie curry thankyou!

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