Monday, February 26, 2018

green after 1

green after
Star Data
TypeM2 V Red Dwarf
Radius3.05 x 105 km   (0.44 x sol)
Mass7.86 x 1029 kg   (0.39 x sol)
Temperature3000 K
Luminosity1.04 x 1025 W   (0.03 x sol)
TypeTerrestrial World
Orbital Radius3.04 x 107 km   (0.20 AU)
Period1.28 x 103 hours   (0.15 earth years)
PhysicsSmall iron/silicate
Gravity5.98 m/s2   (0.61 x earth)
Hydrosphere0 % water, 24 % ice
AtmosphereThin breathable
TypeRock Planet
Orbital Radius5.05 x 107 km   (0.34 AU)
Period2.73 x 103 hours   (0.31 earth years)
Gravity10.03 m/s2   (1.03 x earth)
TypeRock Planet
Orbital Radius7.22 x 107 km   (0.48 AU)
Period4.67 x 103 hours   (0.53 earth years)
Gravity10.06 m/s2   (1.03 x earth)
TypeRock Planet
Orbital Radius1.20 x 108 km   (0.80 AU)
Period1.00 x 104 hours   (1.15 earth years)
Gravity8.46 m/s2   (0.86 x earth)
Distant Companion
TypeM8 V Red Dwarf
Distance5.11 x 108 km   (3.42 AU)
Radius2.82 x 105 km   (0.41 x sol)
Mass6.23 x 1029 kg   (0.31 x sol)
Temperature2200 K
Luminosity1.53 x 1025 W   (0.04 x sol)

green after

the life afte

the devil prophecy

Star Data
TypeB7 IV Blue-white Subgiant
Radius5.09 x 106 km   (7.32 x sol)
Mass4.09 x 1031 kg   (20.55 x sol)
Temperature15200 K
Luminosity4.48 x 1030 W   (11705.04 x sol)
Close Companion
TypeM6 V Red Dwarf
Distance4.05 x 109 km   (27.05 AU)
Radius2.64 x 105 km   (0.38 x sol)
Mass5.09 x 1029 kg   (0.26 x sol)
Temperature2400 K
Luminosity1.46 x 1025 W   (0.04 x sol)
TypeTerrestrial World
Orbital Radius1.99 x 1010 km   (133.17 AU)
Period2.95 x 106 hours   (336.88 earth years)
PhysicsLarge ocean
Gravity13.63 m/s2   (1.39 x earth)
Hydrosphere71 % water, 58 % ice
AtmosphereDense toxic
SpecialAdvanced alien artifact, planetary rings
TypeRock Planet
Orbital Radius3.60 x 1010 km   (240.35 AU)
Period7.14 x 106 hours   (816.86 earth years)
Gravity44.42 m/s2   (4.54 x earth)
SpecialHeavy volcanism
TypeRock Planet
Orbital Radius8.01 x 1010 km   (535.55 AU)
Period2.38 x 107 hours   (2716.94 earth years)
Gravity29.04 m/s2   (2.97 x earth)
SpecialHeavy volcanism
TypeAsteroid Belt
Orbital Radius1.46 x 1011 km   (978.05 AU)
Period5.86 x 107 hours   (6705.42 earth years)
TypeNeptunian Planet
Orbital Radius3.11 x 1011 km   (2081.61 AU)
Period1.82 x 108 hours   (20820.07 earth years)
Gravity40.27 m/s2   (4.12 x earth)
Special1 small moon, 1 large moon
TypeAsteroid Belt
Orbital Radius5.81 x 1011 km   (3883.05 AU)
Period4.64 x 108 hours   (53044.64 earth years)
TypeIce Planet
Orbital Radius1.32 x 1012 km   (8846.70 AU)
Period1.59 x 109 hours   (182412.40 earth years)
Gravity27.66 m/s2   (2.83 x earth)
TypeIce Planet
Orbital Radius2.24 x 1012 km   (14999.04 AU)
Period3.52 x 109 hours   (402696.46 earth years)
Gravity49.70 m/s2   (5.08 x earth)
SpecialLarge moon
TypeIce Planet
Orbital Radius4.95 x 1012 km   (33082.78 AU)
Period1.15 x 1010 hours   (1319123.40 earth years)
Gravity50.20 m/s2   (5.13 x earth)
SpecialMethane seas
r the devil of the prophecy  fininsh later stephanie curry!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

pulse tv-monday! subtitle!valentines day lovers in cloud heaven and earth and cloud earth me and him only!a moon god lover for me is great and the   only rise of the moon lamp in the black knight of the god a jesus my king me king a god a jesus man and woman my boyfriend my man in the heaven space craft engine to everlasting life and the mansion on the hill top and me sitting in the moon with my boyfriend with dark and some light color hair too,  dark not black-close looking that i can also see in the spirit but ghost and the angel of all holiness floating through the air the moon wish lamp at night is awesome along with the awesome wish sun too, of wish magic but we too, by ourself, me and my man my boyfriend only two, me and him float through the air together no three but he is wearing a black like long coat and i think black pants under it and black boots but in the engine space craft a heavenly flight  to  heaven and everlasting life on the hill top far away  stood the old ruggeth cross and a  awesome mansion there but he  is- coming out and standing there, saying, she can have me something like that i do believe its true  was wearing like a blood red shirt with white i think and blue geans i say, a fine one no details gracious stephanie curry. amen.stephanie curry
he and i are the lords of emperor and emperors of lord and i in him and him in me- the crowns of glory- and he stands in the moon lamp some times and he can shine- the glorious shining light down  on earth and me but the knight god in the night with me is not black but on black in the night just the faces of me and him not showing like a spiritual glorious way gracious  stephanie diane curry amen thankyou!

Friday, February 9, 2018

script!plates! 2.picnic 3.funny.4.terrible 5.before 6.mother 7.father 8.tree 9.spread 10.that 11.think 12. the stinky animal walk a skunk .13. a sheet of paper to write on. 14. a drawing board to do art on .15.a camera to take pictures of art with.16.the cat likes to chase the mouse. 17.the dog likes to chase the cat.18.i like to feed my kids and my family or my children. 19.i like words that spread incouragement.20.i like wildlife posters. 21.i don't like terrible smells .22.i think terrible smells stink.23.i was inside for and opening of and umbrella.24. i put my raincoat on inside the house while the organ was playing.25.i smell food cooking on the stove so i have to make it home for supper are my parents will get mad and upset.26.i need to take a bath in the tub are just a plain old  simple shower.27.i have to be clean for school in the morning.28.i have to hurry and clean up. parents have to get up for work in the morning and gets the kids off to school so i have to hurry and clean so my parents and other kids can clean up.30.i feel that i am going to write and do my art on a clown today in school- morning is already here.31.i love to write on clowns and  do the art on clowns-awesome.32.i love the shade tree when i am at school.32.i love to rest and read my reading book under the shade tree when i am outside in the playing  rest subject at school it is fun to do.33.i learn a lot when i read.34.i love to read it is good for the brain and soul. 35.i love math even though it is my worse subject the fun in it is learning.36.i love to sleep at night i love my gummy bears beside me when i am sleeping and some coke and water too..39.  i don't like smelly animals like a shunk..37.i don't like a bushy tail but i like a silver and a grey door in the front and back. 38. i live around the woods a magic man put a dirty shunk out .39.the shunk came out the woods raised his tail and stunk up the whole land and house i lived in and played at.40. i got sick and almost  threw up it was gross but i felt better, later too.41.i love a feast a feastibility but i don't like the beast.i love a supper super dust it is awesome to eat a shower of love indeed.42.when i come home from school i wash my hands for supper it smelt so good then i wash the dishes cleaned up and got ready for bed,43.i had no homework .44.i finish my work at school.45.i did not have to go to school the next day so after i got through eating doing my chores i went out to play with my supersuds i like and love to play with then i come back in cleaned up and got ready for bed.46.i love to read and pray at night too,before i go to sleep in my cozy bed snuggled up with my soft fluffy pillars.47.i love to make a magic wish before i go to bed i have a magic wish lamp so i do so.48.i lay me down to sleep i pray the lord my soul to keep if i should die before i wait i pray the lord my soul to take and keep amen goodbye thankyou the end stephanie diane curry.john:3;16 amen.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

song:the spiritual church and other goodness of all holiness

Song:i believe in a spiritual church  and a ghost that is holy and the ark and arch of all angels even halo and i believe in the spiritual grace and glory of the church and what i say above and not the people if the church is devil and satan,lucifer and hades,evil,wicked,bad and ugly and thieve too, there are no holiness there !{repeat}i believe in a spiritual church  and a ghost that is holy and the ark and arch of all angels even halo- and i believe in the spiritual grace and glory of the church and what i say, above, {repeat}and not the people if the church is devil and satan,lucifer and hades,evil,wicked,bad and ugly and thieve too, then there are no goodness of holiness there.i believe in the trumpet and triumph of the church and the true spiritual lord i am   eternal gracious  have a great day stephanie curry the end.   

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


I did not file my mafia creator this year even though i own games and assets and banks accounts from 2017 and 2018 too, aswell before and i own the mafia creator and all my built games- created- even the movies and films and stuff  for my bank accounts are taxes I only filed my creative space and kindle amazon  this year and I have no assets right now in creative space that are foreign are any  known  foreign bank accounts are the same with amazon this year  but my orders and taxes and w2's that I have printed out and my mafia games are not foreign  but the mafia boss listed all my stuff my bank accounts assets in the usa  in his files and in my creating  in games but my creative space does have regular assets of mine in it a lot of my stuff have been stolen, and robbed even my banks accounts and i have charges filed i don't worship the devil and satan but god in prophecy will see them people punished by them even lucifer and in hades will  people be punished and that was promise to me that the people will be punished  the end Stephanie curry.gracious Stephanie curry

discovery of seohyun ,a celebrity is stephanie curry

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