Wednesday, February 14, 2018

pulse tv-monday! subtitle!valentines day lovers in cloud heaven and earth and cloud earth me and him only!a moon god lover for me is great and the   only rise of the moon lamp in the black knight of the god a jesus my king me king a god a jesus man and woman my boyfriend my man in the heaven space craft engine to everlasting life and the mansion on the hill top and me sitting in the moon with my boyfriend with dark and some light color hair too,  dark not black-close looking that i can also see in the spirit but ghost and the angel of all holiness floating through the air the moon wish lamp at night is awesome along with the awesome wish sun too, of wish magic but we too, by ourself, me and my man my boyfriend only two, me and him float through the air together no three but he is wearing a black like long coat and i think black pants under it and black boots but in the engine space craft a heavenly flight  to  heaven and everlasting life on the hill top far away  stood the old ruggeth cross and a  awesome mansion there but he  is- coming out and standing there, saying, she can have me something like that i do believe its true  was wearing like a blood red shirt with white i think and blue geans i say, a fine one no details gracious stephanie curry. amen.stephanie curry
he and i are the lords of emperor and emperors of lord and i in him and him in me- the crowns of glory- and he stands in the moon lamp some times and he can shine- the glorious shining light down  on earth and me but the knight god in the night with me is not black but on black in the night just the faces of me and him not showing like a spiritual glorious way gracious  stephanie diane curry amen thankyou!

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