Sunday, May 13, 2018

the end of the world_for real!_the truth cycle system generation creation software!

even from korea_the military and the navy and the marines are coming in too, with many police wars and fires trucks and ambulances 911 and gun shooting and more the biggest lucifer green alien dragon will come in and fight the hades and the devil and the a beast and the satan dragons and the god super great big bear tiger and lion and the world will come a victory freeze in stillness and silents and the truth will reveal and the prophecy will come through and people will go where they go in eternal life and the chosen will go to the everlasting life and golden yellow lamp of home and there will be many angels, black cats,and spiritual angels the bats will be spiritual too transparent graciolus stephanie curry thankyouand emperior dragons will come in and fight them all with the no details note!stephanie curry is seohyun girls generation my real identity but younger to older in life!the end!

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