Friday, June 22, 2018

i think it is right to yoke then not to yoke!! the yoke of purity a strategy of success and salvation!the righteousness path!

 i think it is right for people to  not steal are rob are even  be a thief or accuse and lie and take my stuff and money the antichrist way with many evil,wicked the bad and the ugly people do/false prophets and more like 666 and more gracious  and tell me to go get a job and i know they are going to pay for it because they are not in the yoke number of purity and the yoke with the law on earth and the law of god has been violated  and that is one number of reason for that bad law to be destroyed from the earth and to the heavens to get purity yoke! people do things the terrible way and steal and rob my checks my taxes and mail my stuff period /like too,my jobs that are on the computer no details gracious/cyber crime and identity theft is mad_bad_ a human race and a human rights violation  too, but a non human can be human for the reason they have regular human skin too, and if you  or i donate to save the children then that is different then what you people are doing before totally saving the children this kind of terrorism is a violation is happen in killing  action mode  you people are not in the purity mode but the hell mode  all codes_no details  gracious stephanie curry  amen!note lion heart is one of my songs  and one  of my favorite songs and my dance  all the  dances are my favorite i love them all gracious stephanie curry amen thankyou!

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