Friday, August 24, 2018

Fake scence is a scence that happens for a person to go out of something and they are paid for it gracious. Crime scence is a scence that the criminals fall down on the ground and play dead and have the crime fight and crime shooting before they play  dead on the ground.cop awarance is to block the path and put a  wrapping of a crime sheet around the crime that happen.  No crime disappearance is no crime.true new identity is a new identity that is giving in life for a new start. True new birth is a new birth giving with identity with a true new life and a true new body and nobody would probably never know that was  the  true same person  have a great life in true law  have a great day on the earth gracious.note stephanie curry is seohyun gracious have a great day in life on earth stephanie curry.

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discovery of seohyun ,a celebrity is stephanie curry

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